

Race Equity in Workforce Development: A Survey of Attitudes 

Since its inception, the workforce policy apparatus has not directly addressed racial inequalities within its mandate. Too often color-blind policies fail to account for the realities of structural racism that expose minorities to the vagaries of a substantively unequal opportunity landscape. 

NAWB convened a taskforce of workforce visionaries to reveal disconnects in practitioner-led dialogues and to unmask barriers to centering racial equity in the workforce development ecosystem. This report reflects the earnest efforts of workforce stakeholders and the expertise of national experts aiming to build an inclusive workforce development system. 

                    Reentry Workforce Development Survey

A rapidly tightening labor market is forcing employers across the country to consider workers they once might have turned away, and workforce boards are looking at alternatives to meet the shortage of skilled labor. In response, the National Association of Workforce Boards partnered with the Council of State Governments Justice Center to conduct a survey of state and local workforce boards to learn how they are using Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other funding to provide training and employment services to formerly incarcerated individuals to help them succeed in the workforce.

Download here. 

NAWB and Aspen Institute's Upskill America Release New Tool On How Employers Can Use Workforce Boards to Upskill Their Workers

The tool explains to employers:
  • What do Workforce Development Boards offer?
  • Understanding your regional labor market 
  • Developing Strategies for Improved Talent Development/Retention
  • Additional Resources
Click below to access the tool:

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