Advocacy Messages


from Ron Painter

A man with a beard and glasses is wearing a suit and tie.
October 2017
The Forum 2018 Planning for Action

Despite the seemingly daily change of mood in DC, one thing is more a certainty than others. I am confident in predicting that Congress will appropriate funds for the Federal government to do its work. The questions are as always: how will that impact our interests? and what can I do to prepare?

Think ahead to March 24-27, 2018. The FY18 appropriations will most likely be in place and the President will have begun the Federal budget process for FY19 by delivering the State of the Union Address and forwarding his proposed budget to Congress. As Congress begins to deliberate various budget items, we want to be the ones to inform the discussions around our issues, and bring our opinions to the table.

With planning underway to travel to DC in March, NAWB is encouraging Forum 2018 attendees to build a visit to Capitol Hill into their schedules. NAWB will continue to monitor the conversations here in DC and will create a full toolkit for your visit, to include a set of talking points we think should guide the workforce budget process. But first, we need you to plan to be workforce development system changemakers during your trip to DC. That might mean pushing back your flight time to later Tuesday or missing part of the Forum program to visit your Congressional delegation. You are allowed to tell your story to your elected representatives, and we need you to tell your story.
  • NAWB continues to answer inquiries from the Hill regarding issues that they are interested in. Most often, they ask who is working on a particular challenge or initiative in the field so they can reach out to better understand what happens at the point of service delivery.
  • We continue to comment on legislation that is important to the work of local boards, from childcare, to broadband, to TANF, to SNAP, to CTE, and more.
  • Our policy consultation with NAWB members is set for December 7-9 in the Tampa area to better understand the policy issues on the political menu, raise points and better articulate what we think are our aspirations in Federal, state, and local policy.
  • NAWB continuously evaluates better ways to support your efforts here in DC.
We hope you'll consider this invitation and allow us to help you and your staff "Hit-the-Hill" with a unified message that advocates for funding and continued investment in the economic success of businesses and career seekers.  
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