RFP Announcements



Would you like to post an RFP?

NAWB member organizations are permitted to post their RFPs on this page of the NAWB site. If you would like to post an RFP, please contact us at nawb@nawb.org. If you would like your organization to become a NAWB member, visit our member site.

Request for Proposal: Fiscal Agents Services for South Central Workforce Development Board

This is a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an organization to serve as the fiscal agent for the management and disbursal of WIOA funds to provide services to adults, dislocated workers, and youth as well as other state and federal funds awarded to the WDB. The successful bidder will receive, disburse, and account for said funding at the direction of the WDB. The successful bidder will prepare and submit all reports required by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the WDB. According to WIOA § 107(d)(12)(B)(II), in order to assist in the administration of the grant funds, the CLEO may designate an entity to serve as a local grant subrecipient for such funds or as a local fiscal agent. 

RFP Question Submission Deadline: Saturday, March 22

Proposals Due: Friday, April 18

Contact: Contact@southcentralworkforce.com

Download the RFP.

Request for Proposal: Operation and Management of Workforce Centers and Programs for Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas

The Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas Board (WFSWCT or Board) is seeking proposals from qualified and eligible entities for the operation and management of local workforce centers and the related programs/initiatives established by the Board. This includes the operation and management of four workforce center locations in Abilene, Brownwood, Eastland and Sweetwater and quality services to employer and job seeker customers. The Board has oversight of workforce activities in Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Nolan, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor, and Throckmorton counties. The full bid posting and RFP documents are available on the WFSWCT website.

Letter of Intent to Bid: Friday, March 21 by 4pm CDT

Proposals Due: Monday, May 12 by 12pm Noon CDT

Contact: rfp@wfswct.org

Request for Proposal: One-Stop Services for Rapides Workforce Development Board

The Rapides Workforce Development Board (WDB) is soliciting Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide One-Stop Services in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. Pivotal to the success of the One-Stop Operator will be its ability to work cooperatively with WIOA Core Partners in Rapides Perish to ensure an integrated service delivery environment.

All questions/requests for clarification must be submitted and received in writing via email with the subject “LWDA61 OSO RFP” to: jdepril@cenlaworks.org and  rajc@cenlaworks.org by 4:00pm on Wednesday, March 12.

RFP Due:  Tuesday, April 1

Contact: jdepril@cenlaworks.org and  rajc@cenlaworks.org

Download the RFP.

Request for Proposal: Training Services for WorkSource Three Rivers

The Three Rivers Regional Commission (TRRC), on behalf of the Three Rivers Workforce
Development Board
(TRWDB) is seeking proposals from qualified organizations to provide
Training Services within the Local Workforce Development Area 8 (LWDA 8). The TRWDB
provides One Stop and Career Services, branded WorkSource Three Rivers, funded through
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Training Services include
recruitment, Individual Training Account (ITA) development, case management, career
advisement, and follow-up services to clients in the Three Rivers region.

Bidders can find the RFP documents at the Three Rivers Regional Commission website in the Business section.

RFP Closes:  Friday, March 28

Request for Proposal: Youth Services for WorkSource Three Rivers

The Three Rivers Regional Commission (TRRC), on behalf of the Three Rivers Workforce

 Development Board (TRWDB) is seeking proposals from qualified organizations to provide Adult

 Education Services to youth. Proposals should include remediation to correct basic skills

 deficiencies, tutoring, study skills training, leadership development, adult mentoring, career

 counseling and guidance, follow-up services, referral services, and other services which may be

 appropriate for improving education and skill competencies and which will provide effective

 connections to employers within the Local Workforce Development Area 8 (LWDA 8). The

 TRWDB provides Youth Services, branded WorkSource Three Rivers, funded through the

 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Bidders can find the RFP documents at the Three Rivers Regional Commission website in the Business section.

RFP Closes:  Friday, March 28

Request for Proposal: WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker Basic Individualized Career Services for Tulare County - Procurement No. 25-02

The Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County (WIB) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to interested applicants with experience or related capacity to deliver Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker (DW) Basic and Individualized Career Services in Tulare County. The purpose of this request is to procure qualified Subrecipient(s) to enter into a one-year contract beginning July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, for the delivery of WIOA services in Tulare County through the Employment Connection (EC) Comprehensive Centers in Visalia and Porterville, Affiliate Centers in Tulare and Dinuba, and rural community locations. The WIB has the option to extend the contract(s) for three additional, one-year periods based on demonstrated program performance and availability of funds. 

RFP Closes:  Wednesday, March 26

Download the RFP.

Request for Proposal: WIOA Title I Youth Services for Tulare County - Procurement No. 25-01

The Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County (WIB) seeks innovative youth-centered organizations to deliver Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Services for Out-of-School Youth (OSY) ages 18-24 and In-School Youth (ISY) ages 16-21 in Tulare County. The purpose of this request is to procure qualified Subrecipient(s) to enter into a one-year contract beginning July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, for the delivery of WIOA Youth services in Tulare County. The WIB has the option to extend the contract(s) for three additional, one-year periods based on demonstrated program performance and availability of funds.

RFP Closes:  Wednesday, March 19

Download the RFP.

Request for Proposal: SFY 2026 Summit County and Medina County CCMEP Youth Services for Ohio Local Workforce Area 2

Ohio’s Local Area 2 Workforce Development Board, the County of Summit Department of Job and Family Services, and Medina County Job and Family Services jointly announce the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for entities seeking to provide the following workforce development services in Summit and Medina Counties during State Fiscal Year 2026: Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) for Youth Education and Employment Services, funded and regulated under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

Letter of Intent:  Friday, March 21

Proposals Due:  Friday, April 4

View the RFP.

Request for Proposal: Management and Operations of Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas Workforce Development System

RFP# 2025-025

The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) serves as the Administrative Entity and Grant Recipient for the North Central Texas Workforce Development Board, dba Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas (WSNCT) and is therefore conducting this Request for Proposals (RFP) on behalf of WSNCT. The objective of this RFP is to identify a highly qualified entity with substantial experience to fulfil the goals, responsibilities, and obligations associated with the management and operation of the WSNCT Workforce Centers throughout NCTCOG's 14-county region.

In order to respond to this RFP, as well as receive notifications, updates, addenda, and other information regarding this solicitation, NCTCOG requires that respondents be registered with www.PublicPurchase.com. Registration with Public Purchase is free and allows respondents to view all of the NCTCOG’s active procurement solicitations. This is Public Purchase Bid Number 195633.

Deadline: Responses must be uploaded via Public Purchase to the NCTCOG by Thursday, March 13, 2:00pm CT.

If you have any questions regarding this procurement, please contact Brent Moll, Purchasing Manager, at BMoll@NCTCOG.org

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