Workforce Development Month 2024

Workforce Development Month 2024

Every September, we celebrate Workforce Development Month to recognize, honor, and publicize the contributions of our nation's workforce development professionals.

We encourage you to use this month to increase awareness and understanding of your work and to inspire new actions. We hope that the prompts below are helpful in guiding your efforts.

Throughout the month, NAWB will share tips, stories, videos, and events by and for workforce development boards on our social media channels and in our publications. We will be using #WkDevMonth, #workforcedevelopment, #workforcematters, and #NAWB to amplify our collective voices and hope you will do the same.

Week one (Sept. 1 - 7): Your Organization

  • What is your organization known for?
  • What do you do best? Share data points that show your success.
  • Consider creating an infographic to highlight your accomplishments.
  • What is one piece of data that everyone should know about how your workforce board

          serves your community?

Sample social media posts:

  • Happy #WkDevMonth from [Name of Organization]! Over the next few weeks, we'll be sharing some of our favorite success stories, including this one [link to a web page, video, newsletter, blog, etc.]. #workforcematters #NAWB
  • This #WkDevMonth, we're joining #NAWB in honoring the work of our dedicated staff and those who helped [insert relevant data points or accomplishments] .
  • Allow us to reintroduce ourselves. We're [Name of Organization] and we [highlight the stellar work you're doing]. This may be #WkDevMonth, but we celebrate the work we do to bolster our community every day of the year! #workforcematters #NAWB

Week two (Sept. 8 - 14): Advocacy: Engage with Elected Officials

  • Have you hosted a site visit for an elected official? Share photos and details.
  • Has an elected official joined one of your events? Share photos and details. 
  • Did someone from your organization visit Capitol Hill? What was discussed?

*Don't forget to tag the appropriate officials and offices.

Sample social media posts:

  • Thank you [tag elected official] for joining us for [event] in [month]! You truly are a #workforcedevelopment champion!
  • We recently traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with [tag elected official] to share our thoughts on [issues like WIOA, etc.]. We are grateful to have someone like [name] supporting us in our efforts to bring economic vitality to our community. #WkDevMonth #workforcematters #NAWB

Week three (Sept. 15 - 21): NAWB's Role in Your Work

  • How has your organization benefited from being an NAWB member?
  • Have you used our advocacy tools? How?
  • Have you attended a webinar or other event? Which ones? What did you learn?
  • Did you attend Forum 2024? Share your photos, lessons learned, and stories.

Sample social media posts:

  • We've been a proud member of #NAWB (@WorkforceInvest) for XX years. We're grateful for XXXX and look forward to continuing our relationship.
  • Thanks to #NAWB (@WorkforceInvest)'s advocacy tools, we had all the guidance we needed to advocate for [issue], which resulted in [results]. #workforcematters #NAWB
  • Reminiscing about the incredible connections made and lessons learned at #NAWBForum. We can't wait for #NAWBForum25! [add photo; tag individuals and organizations]

Week four (Sept. 22- 30): Partnerships and Local Business Engagement

  • What organizations have you partnered with? On what?
  • How does your organization work with local business?
  • Is working with local business a priority? Why?
  • How can you encourage local businesses to work with workforce development boards?

*Don't forget to tag the appropriate individuals and organizations.

Sample social media posts:

  • Grateful for our amazing partnership(s) with [name of organization or type of organization and details on what you accomplished together]. Relationships like this demonstrate the power of relationships and that #workforcematters
  • The secret to our success: working with local business. Our work with [business] has resulted in XXX. We encourage all #workforcedevelopment boards to reach out to businesses in their area because #workforcematters.


Be sure to follow and tag us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and X!


Throughout the year, we've received countless messages, writeups and articles about your work and the success of your organizations. We're glad to be able to share them, and are constantly updating the document linked below as a testament to the innovative and life-changing work of our nation's workforce development boards.

Have story to share? Send it to us at



We're excited to announce Advocacy Day as part of #NAWBForum25. Stay an extra day on Wed., April 2, to join NAWB and your fellow workforce development professionals in a powerful demonstration of advocacy in action. We will gather to discuss the issues, tips for successful meetings, and we will also arrange for you to meet with your members of Congress on Capitol Hill.

No previous advocacy experience is necessary. Every voice matters as the new Congress will be shaping its priorities for the year ahead. Let's make sure Congress understands the value of investing in workforce development. 

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