Retail Initiative



Advancing Innovative Solutions in Workforce Development to Support the Retail Sector 

Advancing Innovative Solutions in Workforce Development to Support the Retail Sector (Advancing Innovative Solutions) initiative, funded by the Walmart Foundation, has provided NAWB the opportunity to invest resources to promote collaboration and foster a stronger relationship with the retail industry and workforce boards through the dissemination of promising practices and encourage workforce boards to embrace opportunities available in the retail sector.

Through the Advancing Innovative Solutions initiative, NAWB has focused on increasing visibility and engagement between retail industry and the workforce development system to advance the retail sector and support economic growth locally and nationally.  Additional areas of focus have been: 
  • Advance the retail industry as an entry point into the workforce
  • Promote the retail industry and retail career pathways 
  • Increase engagement between workforce boards and the retail industry 
  • Identify and address pain points relevant to hiring, training and retention
  • Examine ways to expand programming to support local and national retail efforts 

Tools and Resources

NAWB is in the process of developing resources designed specifically for workforce development boards to help them work effectively with the retail industry. As they are completed, we will publicize them through our communications tools and make them accessible here on our website. 

Workforce Development Board Retail Industry Survey:   NAWB surveyed workforce boards to get a better understanding of how they are working with industries in general, and retail in particular. The final report is in process and will be posted to this webpage soon. 

Retail Industry Toolkit for Workforce Boards: This will draw on lessons learned from workforce boards that have actively engaged with the retail industry, and will provide materials you can customize to meet your own needs as well as links to tools available on the Internet. 

Workforce Board and Retail Communications Forum : NAWB will provide a online platform for workforce development boards to communicate and discuss strategies and best practices supporting retailers, job seekers, and incumbent workers.

For more information about NAWB’s retail initiative, contact Kelly Banks.

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