NAWB and Jobs for the Future (JFF) are hosting a series of events in support of expanding Registered Apprenticeship and increasing the participation of women, people of color and opportunity youth. Funded by U.S. Department of Labor, the events will focus on greater understanding and engagement of workforce system leaders in apprenticeship, so that workforce boards are better positioned to introduce these opportunities to the diverse job seekers that walk through the doors of American Job Centers day after day.
August 17, 2017:
The second webinar in the Equity in Registered Apprenticeship Series was held on Thursday, August 17 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT entitled Who, What, When and How: Adding Apprenticeship to your Workforce Development Toolkit. The webinar discussed the steps workforce boards took to engage employers and partners, the challenges they encountered in establishing registered apprenticeship programs, and the solutions they implemented to make registered apprenticeship an integral part of their workforce development strategy.
June 5, 2017:
The first webinar in the Equity in Registered Apprenticeship on Monday, June 5, 2017 entitled How Workforce Boards Can Engage in Registered Apprenticeship. The webinar discussed the impact of WIOA on how workforce development boards work with Registered Apprenticeships programs, as well as how WDBs can facilitate the development of new partnerships to support apprenticeship programs.
Apprenticeship Accelerator for Workforce Boards and AJCs
September 19, 2017:
NAWB and JFF with the assistance of Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership held an Apprenticeship Accelerator Meeting at the Cook County Building in Chicago, Illinois. The Apprenticeship Accelerator meeting provided an opportunity for workforce boards and key stakeholders to discuss models for partnership and collaboration, increase board engagement in apprenticeship, and identify ways registered apprenticeship could become an integral part of workforce development strategy. Fifty-five attendees - workforce board professionals, community college staff, industry representatives, and Department of Labor staff - participated in the day-long meeting. View the agenda
and materials from the meeting below.
Presented by Laura Ginsburg, Chief of the Division of Promotion and Strategic Partnerships, Office of Apprenticeship, US Department of Labor and Amanda Ahlstrand, Administrator, Office of Workforce Investment, US Department of Labor
Small Group Discussion Materials
Report: The State of Apprenticeship Among Workforce Boards
NAWB and JFF released a report entitled
The State of Apprenticeship Among Workforce Boards
that examines workforce boards and their engagement in apprenticeships. The report is based on the responses received from a survey distributed to workforce boards in the summer of 2017. The briefing details key lessons learned and challenges workforce boards face trying to expand apprenticeship in their region. The report concludes with several recommendations to empower and strengthen workforce boards to engage and grow the apprenticeship system.
For more information about the Equity in Registered Apprenticeship initiative, contact
Kelly Banks.