Other Initiatives



Innovations in the field

NAWB is involved with special initiatives to build innovations in the field and to conduct research that advances our mission.
The logo for the virtual career network healthcare

Healthcare Virtual Career Network

The healthcare industry continues to provide some of the best career opportunities in the country. To help job seekers, career changers, and entry level individuals enter healthcare, the U.S. Department of Labor funded the development of the Healthcare Virtual Career Network (VCN), a comprehensive online tool for exploring healthcare careers, locating training and education programs, and finding jobs in over 75 different healthcare career fields. The National Association of Workforce Boards, working with the American Association of Community Colleges, Jobs for the Future, American Council on Education, and many others, received a grant from DOL to ensure the successful launch of VCN, which can be found at www.vcn.org/health-care.
The logo for the virtual career network transit

Transit Virtual Career Network

Transit is a $55 billion industry that directly employs more than 400,000 workers, with many openings expected over the next five to 10 years. Individuals can learn how to pursue employment in the transit industry using the Transit Virtual Career Network, which provides localized information on more than 50 different frontline, transit-related occupations, including information on job growth and wages; physical/ medical requirements; legal requirements; required education and training; education, training, and financial aid sources; and available job opportunities. The National Association of Workforce Boards joined a consortium of university, nonprofit, and technology partners, funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Transit Administration, in the development of this web site: www.vcn.org/transit.
A logo for the virtual career network green economy

Green Jobs Virtual Career Network

Green jobs have tremendous benefits to the workers who hold them, our environment, and our country. The green economy represents a growth opportunity for America moving forward. The IGEN Green Economy VCN was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration in 2013, and contains information on 12 occupations. https://www.vcn.org/i-gen/
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